*Пост с форума технической поддержки клиентов ТТК
в адрес технических служб ТТК-ЮВ приходят письма следующего содержания:
Код: выделить все
От: MediaSentry Copyright Enforcement
Написано: 28 февраля 2011 г., 21:00:15
Тема: Case ID 1320470469 - Notice of Claimed Infringement
Файлы: signature.cer, 1320470469.xml
?Monday, February 28, 2011
South-East Transtelecom Joint Stock Co.
Volodarskogo Street, 64
394006 Voronezh, RU
RE: Unauthorized Distribution of the Copyrighted Motion Picture Entitled
The Fighter
We are writing this letter on behalf of Paramount Pictures Corporation ("Paramount") who owns certain rights under copyright law in the title The Fighter.
You are receiving this notice because your Internet account was identified as having been used recently to copy and/or distribute illegally the copyrighted motion pictures and/or television shows listed at the bottom of this notice. This notice provides you with the information you need in order to take immediate action that can prevent serious legal and other consequences. These actions include:
1. Stop downloading or uploading without authorization any motion pictures or TV shows owned or distributed by Paramount; and
2. Permanently delete from your computer(s) all unauthorized copies you may have already made of these movies and TV shows.
If this notice is being received by an Internet Service Provider (ISP), please forward the notice to the individual associated with the activities.
The unauthorized distribution or public performance of copyrighted works constitutes copyright infringement under the Copyright Act, Title 17 U.S Code Section 106(3)-(4). This conduct may also violate the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and The Universal Copyright Convention, as well as bilateral treaties with other countries that allow for protection of Paramount copyrighted works even beyond U.S borders.
Copyright infringement also violates your ISP's terms of service and could lead to limitation or suspension of your Internet service. You should take immediate action to prevent your Internet account from being used for illegal activities.
An MPAA website, www.respectcopyrights.org, offers step-by-step instructions to ensure that your Internet account is not being used to violate the copyright laws. Also, the site can point you to an array of legal choices for enjoying movies and TV shows online. You can also learn there how theft of motion pictures and TV shows damages our economy and costs thousands of Americans their jobs.
Please contact us should you have any questions.
We are providing this notice based on our good faith belief that the use of motion pictures and television programs owned by Paramount in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owners, their agents, or the law. The information in this notification is accurate. Under penalty of perjury, we are authorized to act on behalf of the owners of the exclusive rights that are being infringed. This letter is without prejudice to the rights and remedies of Paramount, all of which are expressly reserved.
We appreciate your assistance and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. In your future correspondence with us, please refer to Case ID 1320470469.
Your prompt response is requested.
D. Brewer
Enforcement Coordinator
Peer Media Technologies, Inc.
Infringing Work: The Fighter
First Found: 28 Feb 2011 11:40:56 EST (GMT -0500)
Last Found: 28 Feb 2011 11:40:56 EST (GMT -0500)
IP Address: 213.129.110.XXX
IP Port: 21610
Protocol: BitTorrent
Torrent InfoHash: E8811F65389D20A3DD6E3BB8CB571986122CC861
Containing file(s):
Boetz.2010.L2.DVDScr.PROPER.VANO.avi.torrent (2,207,264,768 bytes)
или такого
Код: выделить все
От: Sony Pictures Entertainment
Написано: 28 февраля 2011 г., 8:53:07
Тема: Case ID 985298146 - Notice of Claimed Infringement
Файлы: 985298146.xml
?Monday, February 28, 2011
South-East Transtelecom Joint Stock Co.
Volodarskogo Street, 64
394006 Voronezh, RU
RE: Unauthorized Distribution of the Copyrighted Motion Picture Entitled
The Tourist
We are writing this letter on behalf of Columbia Pictures Industries Inc., ("Columbia Pictures") who owns certain rights under copyright law in the title The Tourist.
You are receiving this notice because your Internet account was identified as having been used recently to copy and/or distribute illegally the copyrighted motion pictures and/or television shows listed at the bottom of this notice. This notice provides you with the information you need in order to take immediate action that can prevent serious legal and other consequences. These actions include:
1. Stop downloading or uploading without authorization any motion pictures or TV shows owned or distributed by Columbia Pictures; and
2. Permanently delete from your computer(s) all unauthorized copies you may have already made of these movies and TV shows.
If this notice is being received by an Internet Service Provider (ISP), please forward the notice to the individual associated with the activities.
The unauthorized distribution or public performance of copyrighted works constitutes copyright infringement under the Copyright Act, Title 17 U.S Code Section 106(3)-(4). This conduct may also violate the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and The Universal Copyright Convention, as well as bilateral treaties with other countries that allow for protection of Columbia Pictures copyrighted works even beyond U.S borders.
Copyright infringement also violates your ISP's terms of service and could lead to limitation or suspension of your Internet service. You should take immediate action to prevent your Internet account from being used for illegal activities.
An MPAA website, www.respectcopyrights.org, offers step-by-step instructions to ensure that your Internet account is not being used to violate the copyright laws. Also, the site can point you to an array of legal choices for enjoying movies and TV shows online. You can also learn there how theft of motion pictures and TV shows damages our economy and costs thousands of Americans their jobs.
Please contact us at the above listed address or by replying to this email should you have any questions.
We are providing this notice based on our good faith belief that the use of motion pictures and television programs owned by Columbia Pictures Industries Inc. in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owners, their agents, or the law. The information in this notification is accurate. Under penalty of perjury, we are authorized to act on behalf of the owners of the exclusive rights that are being infringed. This letter is without prejudice to the rights and remedies of Columbia Pictures, all of which are expressly reserved.
We appreciate your assistance and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. In your future correspondence with us, please refer to Case ID 985298146.
Your prompt response is requested.
D. Brewer
Enforcement Coordinator
Peer Media Technologies, Inc.
Infringing Work: The Tourist
First Found: 28 Feb 2011 05:08:01 EST (GMT -0500)
Last Found: 28 Feb 2011 05:08:01 EST (GMT -0500)
IP Address: 213.129.110.XXX
IP Port: 59039
Protocol: BitTorrent
Torrent InfoHash: 7F4CE91F381F59765D268923B600982A1639D802
Containing file(s):
Turist.2010.D.DVDRip.ELEKTRI4KA.avi.torrent (1,469,124,608 bytes)
в связи с ужесточением нашего законодательства, и пр. др. желениями нашего правительства - всем любителям "пиратского" контента нужно быть предупрежденными и внимательными.
помните что все вы делаете на свой страх и риск.
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законодательство обязывает провайдеров раскрывать личные данные пользователей по запросу прокуратуры и суда.
Всё близится к загранице, скоро инет будет бесплатным, а вот за ресурсы и за скачку будем платить)
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